Hoist Chains - Dia 12mm DIN EN 818-7 Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT) Chain
Raws li SCIC G80 & G100 lifting chain production technology, peb zoo txuas peb cov khoom kab kom zoo siab ntev hoist saw Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT), siv rau hauv serial saw hoists phau ntawv thiab lub zog tsav.
Hoist Chains - Dia 14mm DIN EN 818-7 Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT) Chain
Raws li SCIC G80 & G100 lifting chain production technology, peb zoo txuas peb cov khoom kab kom zoo siab ntev hoist saw Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT), siv rau hauv serial saw hoists phau ntawv thiab lub zog tsav.
Hoist Chains - Dia 13mm DIN EN 818-7 Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT) Chain
Raws li SCIC G80 & G100 lifting chain production technology, peb zoo txuas peb cov khoom kab kom zoo siab ntev hoist saw Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT), siv rau hauv serial saw hoists phau ntawv thiab lub zog tsav.
Nuv ntses Chains - 26 * 140mm DIN763, DIN764, DIN766 Aquaculture Mooring Chain
Nuv ntses saw tiav yog qhov zoo dua los ua zinc plated (galvanized) rau kev tiv thaiv corrosion thiab kev pab lub neej ntev.
Hoist Chains - Dia 16mm DIN EN 818-7 Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT) Chain
Raws li SCIC G80 & G100 lifting chain production technology, peb zoo txuas peb cov khoom kab kom zoo siab ntev hoist saw Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT), siv rau hauv serial saw hoists phau ntawv thiab lub zog tsav.
Hoist Chains - Dia 18mm DIN EN 818-7 Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT) Chain
Raws li SCIC G80 & G100 lifting chain production technology, peb zoo txuas peb cov khoom kab kom zoo siab ntev hoist saw Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT), siv rau hauv serial saw hoists phau ntawv thiab lub zog tsav.
Hoist Chains - Dia 22mm DIN EN 818-7 Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT) Chain
Raws li SCIC G80 & G100 lifting chain production technology, peb zoo txuas peb cov khoom kab kom zoo siab ntev hoist saw Qib T (Types T, DAT & DT), siv rau hauv serial saw hoists phau ntawv thiab lub zog tsav.
Nuv Ntses - 20 * 60mm DIN763, DIN764, DIN766 Aquaculture Mooring Chain
Nuv ntses saw tiav yog qhov zoo dua los ua zinc plated (galvanized) rau kev tiv thaiv corrosion thiab kev pab lub neej ntev.
Conveyor thiab Elevator Chains - 42 * 118mm DIN 766 Round Steel Link Chain
Chains rau thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper.
SCIC tsim cov hlau txuas txuas txuas rau DIN 764 (G30 & G50, 2010 version) thiab DIN 766 (2015 version) cov qauv, rau cov ntawv thov hauv lub thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper. Chains uas tau teev tseg ntawm no yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los ua cov khoom siv nqa, cov hlua lossis lwm yam nyiaj siv ua haujlwm hoisting.
Conveyor thiab Elevator Chains - 39 * 109mm DIN 766 Round Steel Link Chain
Chains rau thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper.
SCIC tsim cov hlau txuas txuas txuas rau DIN 764 (G30 & G50, 2010 version) thiab DIN 766 (2015 version) cov qauv, rau cov ntawv thov hauv lub thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper. Chains uas tau teev tseg ntawm no yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los ua cov khoom siv nqa, cov hlua lossis lwm yam nyiaj siv ua haujlwm hoisting.
Conveyor thiab Elevator Chains - 36 * 101mm DIN 766 Round Steel Link Chain
Chains rau thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper.
SCIC tsim cov hlau txuas txuas txuas rau DIN 764 (G30 & G50, 2010 version) thiab DIN 766 (2015 version) cov qauv, rau cov ntawv thov hauv lub thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper. Chains uas tau teev tseg ntawm no yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los ua cov khoom siv nqa, cov hlua lossis lwm yam nyiaj siv ua haujlwm hoisting.
Conveyor thiab Elevator Chains - 33 * 92mm DIN 766 Round Steel Link Chain
Chains rau thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper.
SCIC tsim cov hlau txuas txuas txuas rau DIN 764 (G30 & G50, 2010 version) thiab DIN 766 (2015 version) cov qauv, rau cov ntawv thov hauv lub thoob of elevator, conveyor thiab scraper. Chains uas tau teev tseg ntawm no yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los ua cov khoom siv nqa, cov hlua lossis lwm yam nyiaj siv ua haujlwm hoisting.